Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Trail Maintenance!

This will be a quick one, but I wanted to mention the TM day we has this past weekend! Over the last 3 months our local MTB club has been gathering momentum on various TM projects, and with help of other local more established groups, we are going places now!

We scoped the location and set the goal, made plans, and prepared. But I still had some doubts about how it would all turn out. It was a rather ambitious project.

But all my doubts were disolved and I was blown away that Saturday. When we had 20+ people ready to work early in the morning, standing in the pouring rain (the forecast was for sunny skies and warm temperatures) and not leaving, I knew it was going to be good! Luckily the rain stopped pretyt quickly and we had blue skies for the rest of the day!

We had 45+ volunteers working throughout the day, loggin total of over 250 man hours!!!
We changed large [parts of existing trail to shed water better and re-routed an approximately 200 feet long section!

Here are some pictures!

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