Monday, September 17, 2007

High hopes, not too much disappointment

So I was thinking about attempting to try to push for doing two laps of my local loop for the first time this weekend. As I mentioned in the previous posts, For some reason, after just one loop (~16-ish miles) I'm usually so beat I find it hard to keep going.

But I fell short of that goal. Tho I'm not too disappointed.

We went out for a really hard paced lap in the morning on Saturday, thinking that we would barely have enough time to finish the loop by 1 PM, when we were meeting couple of more friends to scope out and plan the location for the TMD this coming weekend. However, we went so hard that we were done by noon! So we started with the TMD planning an hour early. No biggie.

Then in the evening we had our first PMBA annual party. I killed an hour just hanging out in the park, taking in this gorgeous, crisp, refreshing weather we are having right now. This is how each fall should be. Absolutely perfect!

Lotsa good beer later, and many many hardy laughs, I got home, and promptly fell asleep.

On Sunday, I had to meet with my son's boy scout troops, to go over the preparation for the 33 mile bike trek they will be doing at the end of the month. And I thought that afterwards I'd have time to go an do my "two-lapper".
Well, the meeting went longer than expected -- we ended up going for an easy ride in another park. It was nice seeing how some kids took the bike so naturally and were lofting their, sometimes too big for them, bikes with platform pedals over logs and log piles! Some of those boys are natural!

And that was my weekend, and now for another hard ride after work. Seems like tonight might be the first time I'll break out the lights!

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