Tuesday, July 8, 2008


This will be short and sweet... Well, maybe not sweet.

About a week ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I had a classic bull's eye marks, yes, I had three, and some of the fatigue, pain, lack of concentration symptoms, as well as the blood test which was positive.

They say that on average the bull's eye marks show up 7-14 days after infection and the blood test becomes positive 4-6 weeks after infection. But of course there are variations.

My completely unscientific guesstimate is that I had it for 2-4 weeks. Counting back from the June 26th when the blood was drawn for the test, puts the infection date somewhere between end of May and mid-June. So it's entirely possible that I already had it during Mohican and now I have a plausible excuse for my pathetic showing at that race...

Hopefully, the antibiotics I'm on now will clear it in the next week or so and I'll be back to normal by the 26th for the Wilderness 101.

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