Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slight nerves

Not really nerves, but thinking about the SM100 being so close. Just over a week. Wondering if I'm any more ready for it than last year. What can I do and should I do in these last 10 days to get ready?

The Mohican made me scared of what I was doing. The W101 made me feel ready and good about it. The last "enduro" race at the local circuit (MASS) at Iron Hill made me scared again...

Just going to do it and get it over with! 10.... 9.... 8.... Count down began!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


For some reason I thought that a local "enduro" race, 4 hours of lapping 5 mile course would be realtively easy and I would do ok.

But for few days I've been feeling tired and rode like crap, ending up with a DFL, way off the pace of SS field... Oh well.

2 weeks of rest and easy riding before SM100, and that will be it for racing this year.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One step forward, two steps back...

Last week I wrote that I was recovering from W101 pretty quickly and feeling good.

Well, more than a week on, all of the sudden, I feel tired and sore again. Legs feel really heavy. And when riding I feel some strange pains and pings in the muscles... Strange...

One thing to do to solve the problem... Ride more! :-)

Less then 4 weeks till SM100. Same plan as always, ride as much as I can up until about a week before the race and then easy off to just easy spins on flat paths. And this week, I think we are going down to VA a week prior to the race to camp around Shenandoah, enjoy the scenery and get ready.

Just one more stop, on August 16 local series MASS will have an enduro (4 hours lapped) race which I will use as a training ride to get the distance/time bench mark.