Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When the tire rubs, it might be more than alignment

Went on a ride tonight. The weather was perfect, things were clicking, felt good to be on the bike. We were moving.

On one rooty step I heard distinct "brrrttt", I knew the tire rubbed on the chainstay. Stopped, looked down, yep, it's not centered in the drops. Strange, it hasn't slipped in ages. Oh well, 45 second stop: 8mm L-long-handle-hex wrench out, loosen, re-center, re-tughten. Done. On my way.

A little downhill, slight rise, and I hear "bbrrrrrttt". WTF?! Cannot slip again! Ok. Wrench out, loosen, re-center, re-tighten, really re-tighten. Make sure it's tight enough. 1 minute 15 seconds later, I'm on my way. 1 minute later "brrrrtttt".

Now, now, there is something DEFINITELY wrong! Stop, flip the bike over, inspect for ANY abnormalities. Even looked for cracks in stays, maybe the frame is out of wack. Take the wheel completely out of the drops.

Oh CRAP! This is what I see:

And this is what I had in my hand... Yeah, that's no good, and will not be fixed on the trail in 45 seconds. Ok, so I'm looking at a long, long walk home. Sucks!

Luckily, couple of guys who I was riding with live really close to the park. Nate, was nice enough to ride home, grab his car and give me a ride home. I was sweating trying to extract the broken piece. For some reason I thought I'd have to unscrew it out. But after reviewing Industry Nine on-line hub service pdf, I realized that the part that was screwed on and was holding the axle in place, was already nicely separated from it. Heh, lucky, I guess. Few gentle taps later I was looking at these nice pieces on my counter:

Already sent an email to Industry Nine. Will follow up with a phone call in the morning. I'm pretty confident, they will take care of me, and even if they do not deem this warrantable, it's only a $50 part. No biggie. Quick order and 2 day shipping and I will be back in the saddle by the weekend.
Stay tuned for the updates.

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