Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fun ride, funny crash

Had a shortish but fun ride with couple of fiends.

We were cruising pretty fast, I was leading as I approached a spot with a little jump, which I've been exploring lately, slowly gaining confidence getting a little air off of it. A friend of mine, who is much faster downhill and enjoys jumping much more than me. I didn't want to hold him up, and didn't slow down as I normally would.
As a result I went off the little jump rather uncomfortably, awkwardly, and too fast.

Landing wasn't much better. Front wheel touched down firts and at an angle with a loud crack/snap noise. One thought went thru my mind "I broke my CF fork's leg at the dropout".

I picked myself up and dusted off. Fearfully examined the bike, only to discover that nothing was broken, except for the low tire pressure. Lukily, as it turns out all I did was burp some air from my Stan's conversion! Phew, what a relief.

Never had that problem before in a long time. I haven't topped off the tires before te ride, so it is possible that they were just a hair too low. From now on, I will always check the tire pressure before heading out, and never ride on anything lower than 30 psi! Lesson learned.


cmh said...

Uhmmm... pressure isn't gonna keep you from burping in a crash like that. I did a wonderful endo in Arizona--the Western Spirit tour guide was watching me fly through the air and planning who was gonna ride out and get the body board--and I managed to not only burp my tire, but wedge a bunch of grass and twigs in the bead. Damned thing re-sealed, with all that junk sticking out. But the pressures were all where they should have been.

(I was fine... well, as fine as I can be)

You load your tires from the side like that and it's gonna burp. Pressure's not gonna save you there.

Dmitri said...

True dat!

My tire bead was back in place and almost sealed, except for one spot that was leaking. That's what I get for neglecting to replenish the sealant for 3-4 months. It was virtually dry inside of the tire, nothing to seal it back up.